Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Joining a respected 3D TV forum is probably one of the best ways you can find others who might share a deep interest in 3D TV technology. If you want to join discussions and have your say about 3D glasses or 3D TV without glasses, or find out what the community is saying about 3D Blu Ray entertainment, then apart from blogs a 3D TV forum is the only place you might get that chance.
Forums in general are great places to find people who are keen to share experiences, and give you a great chance to share in the benefits of belonging to a helpful and knowledgeable community.

Most forums that contain threads on 3D TV are of course general TV or Audio Visual related forums, rather than dedicated 3D TV forums. But with the growing interest in 3D TVs you will always find a thread that's of interest. You may also find that some of the major 3D TV manufacturers host their own forums on their official websites.

So, you have probably arrived at this page of 3DTVGuide.org looking for a 3D TV forum. I must admit I have toyed with the idea of putting one here, and that idea might still come to fruition at some point, but the truth is that forums take a lot of work and time to moderate and ensure they keep valuable information flowing.

I thought better to focus more on the content of this site. So, on this page I'm going to be listing a collection of valuable 3D TV forum threads with an aim to show those that contain the most valuable information. You should be able to find a good balance of negative and positive views on 3D TV in these threads.

3D is a very powerful technology which has the ability to immerse us in a viewing experience, and make the action seem to 'pop' from the screen. The 3D movie Avatar is a great example of that, and when we get the chance to watch specially filmed sporting events and music concerts in real 3D I think we're in for a treat. Recent studies have shown that viewers watching a 3D Blu Ray movie were more attentive than when watching in 2D, with body test equipment such as EEG monitors, skin electrodes, and heart monitors proving that our bodies respond to 3D imaging.

The term 3D TV refers of course to the television set itself, but in fact there are a number of different elements that make up what you need to watch 3D TV. These include the much maligned 3D glasses and the increasingly popular 3D Blu Ray players.
Employing technology first discovered in the early 1800s, the leading TV manufacturers are using ground-breaking technological skills to give us improved access to stunning 3D imaging - also known as stereoscopy - which basically tricks your brain into creating an illusion of visual depth by displaying two different images. This is known as a parallax view - the two slightly different perspectives of a visual object that each eye sees naturally because they are spaced physically apart. Our brains resolve these two different object views and this is what gives us the perception of depth and three dimensions.

You can read more about how 3D TV works in my article dedicated to explaining the technologies involved. If you want to read some technical detail on how our brains 'see' 3D images, there's a superb article on depth perception at Wikipedia.


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