Los Angeles based broadcaster High TV is to launch the world’s first international 3D TV channel which will feature a mixture of entertainment, reality shows, and lifestyle programming in 3D.

Currently in the UK, BT Vision shows 3D content through its BT Vision TV on demand service, and Sky have the Sky 3D channel which shows various programming in 3D such as live Premier League football. High TV would be the first internationally available 3D TV channel and claims that it will show around 450 hours of HD 3D programming. It also claims that it will release the largest 3D TV on demand library with more than 450 hours of entertainment and movies in 3D at viewers fingertips.
High TV will be available to digital TV providers across Europe, and may be available on Sky TV packages, and BT vision packages which also include BT Broadband
High TV will be launching it's new 3D TV channel in April
The new channel will be distributed in Europe by RRSat on the Eurobird 9A Satellite, and the MEASAT-3a satellite across the Asia Pacific regions. RRSat Global Communications network will provide uplink services for the new channel.
Head of Business Development at HIGHTV Gwenael Flatres said “High TV aims to take 3D TV beyond the limited and local audiences it is currently geared towards,” before adding “By utilising RRsat’s state-of-the-art technological capabilities and wide reach of the RRsat Global Network, we are capable of taking 3D programming to a global market, entering a new chapter in TV history with 24 hours of non-repeating 3D programming, seven days a week.”
The new 3D TV channel should be launched in Europe on the 4th April 2011.
Most new 3D models advertise "Full 3D" capability. There are many different formats for 3D video. A "Full 3D" television will accept any of these formats, including the highest resolution available: 1080p field sequential 3D. For a good explanation of the 3D video formats check out this excellent article at PRACTICAL-HOME-THEATER-GUIDE.
If you own or purchase a Mitsubishi DLP 3D-TV do not worry. Mitsubishi sells an inexpensive converter box (model 3-DA1) so that your DLP-TV will accept any 3D formatted video. Additionally, most PC's and 3D Blu-Ray players will convert 3D-DVD movies to the DLP's "3D Checkerboard" format without need for the converter.
The highest resolution 3D, 1080p field sequential, will have to be downscaled to DLP television's 3D Checkerboard format. In theory this downscaling will cause some loss in visual clarity. The operative phrase here is "in theory:"
Satellite and cable 3D broadcasts do not use full 1080p 3D format. Don't expect to detect any more 3D clarity on a "full 3D" set while watching 3D TV channels.

The only 3D-DVD titles currently available are low-detail animated titles (e.g. "Monsters vs. Aliens"). Again, don't expect to detect any more 3D clarity watching this genre.
Video in full, 1080p formatting is rare and will probably be a long time coming.
When using Playstation 3 to watch 3D-DVD's you will only obtain top-bottom formatted 3D even with a 1080p DVD.
The difference in clarity between full 1080p and 1080i checkerboard 3D is barely noticeable to most viewers.
Currently in the UK, BT Vision shows 3D content through its BT Vision TV on demand service, and Sky have the Sky 3D channel which shows various programming in 3D such as live Premier League football. High TV would be the first internationally available 3D TV channel and claims that it will show around 450 hours of HD 3D programming. It also claims that it will release the largest 3D TV on demand library with more than 450 hours of entertainment and movies in 3D at viewers fingertips.
High TV will be available to digital TV providers across Europe, and may be available on Sky TV packages, and BT vision packages which also include BT Broadband
High TV will be launching it's new 3D TV channel in April
The new channel will be distributed in Europe by RRSat on the Eurobird 9A Satellite, and the MEASAT-3a satellite across the Asia Pacific regions. RRSat Global Communications network will provide uplink services for the new channel.
Head of Business Development at HIGHTV Gwenael Flatres said “High TV aims to take 3D TV beyond the limited and local audiences it is currently geared towards,” before adding “By utilising RRsat’s state-of-the-art technological capabilities and wide reach of the RRsat Global Network, we are capable of taking 3D programming to a global market, entering a new chapter in TV history with 24 hours of non-repeating 3D programming, seven days a week.”
The new 3D TV channel should be launched in Europe on the 4th April 2011.
Most new 3D models advertise "Full 3D" capability. There are many different formats for 3D video. A "Full 3D" television will accept any of these formats, including the highest resolution available: 1080p field sequential 3D. For a good explanation of the 3D video formats check out this excellent article at PRACTICAL-HOME-THEATER-GUIDE.
If you own or purchase a Mitsubishi DLP 3D-TV do not worry. Mitsubishi sells an inexpensive converter box (model 3-DA1) so that your DLP-TV will accept any 3D formatted video. Additionally, most PC's and 3D Blu-Ray players will convert 3D-DVD movies to the DLP's "3D Checkerboard" format without need for the converter.
The highest resolution 3D, 1080p field sequential, will have to be downscaled to DLP television's 3D Checkerboard format. In theory this downscaling will cause some loss in visual clarity. The operative phrase here is "in theory:"
Satellite and cable 3D broadcasts do not use full 1080p 3D format. Don't expect to detect any more 3D clarity on a "full 3D" set while watching 3D TV channels.
The only 3D-DVD titles currently available are low-detail animated titles (e.g. "Monsters vs. Aliens"). Again, don't expect to detect any more 3D clarity watching this genre.
Video in full, 1080p formatting is rare and will probably be a long time coming.
When using Playstation 3 to watch 3D-DVD's you will only obtain top-bottom formatted 3D even with a 1080p DVD.
The difference in clarity between full 1080p and 1080i checkerboard 3D is barely noticeable to most viewers.
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